- Marcos Aguilera, Microsoft Research, USA
- Geo-Distributed Storage in Data Centers: Data centers increasingly have a storage system that is {\em geo-distributed},
that is, distributed across several geographic locations.
We explain the general characteristics of this setting and the
challenges that it brings, chief among them the need to operate
with low latency despite significant network delays.
These challenges lead to many interesting problems:
migrating data online,
dealing with congestion,
providing efficient transactions, and more.
We discuss these problems and some recent solutions, which
bring together techniques from distributed computing,
distributed systems, and database systems.
Despite much progress, however, several algorithmic
and fundamental questions remain open and serve as
inspiration for further investigation.
- Eitan Altman, Inria, France
Dynamic game models in complex systems: We begin the tutorial with a theoretic part that covers two areas: non-cooperative game theory, and population propagation
models. In the game theory part,
a particular attention will be given to potential games.
We shall focus in particular on congestion games and on the
game version of the generalized Kelly mechanism problem,
both of which are known to be potential games.
In our presentation of models for population propagation
models, we shall present several models which we shall
classify according to the size of population of potential interested
destination nodes (which can be finite and constant, finite
but non-constant or infinite), and the virality of the content.
This will include branching and epidemic models.
We shall then use these tools to study various
applications to large networks. This will include (1) security
issues related to e-virus attacks, (2) the question of what type of content should service providers specialis in, which
will be solved by transforming it into an equivalent congestion game, (3) issues related
to viral marketing and competition issues in social networks. In these problems the generalized
Kelly mechanism will be frequently used. The game theoretic analysis will allow us to get insight on how much to spend on
advertising products and on what product should we advertise.
- Hein Meling, University of Stavanger, Norway
Paxos Explained from Scratch: (joint work with Leander Jehl) Paxos is a flexible and fault tolerant protocol for solving the consensus problem, where participants in a distributed system need to agree on a common value. However, Paxos is reputed for being difficult to understand. This tutorial aims to address this difficulty by visualizing Paxos in a completely new way. Starting from a naive solution and strong assumptions, Paxos is derived in a step-wise fashion. In each step, minimal changes are made to the solution and assumptions, aimed at understanding why the solution fails. In this manner, a correct solution that corresponds to Paxos is eventually reached.
- Marc Shapiro, Inria&LIP6, France, and Nuno Preguica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
- From strong to eventual consistency: getting it right: Distributed systems face a fundamental trade-off of consistency
vs. availability and performance. Strong consistency is easy to
understand but is slow, expensive, and is unavailable when the system
partitions. Eventual consistency (EC) can be cheaper, faster, and more
scalable, but is hard to understand and get correct. This tutorial
explores the multiple gradations between strong and eventual
consistency. It focuses on understanding EC, from perspectives of the
algorithm designer, of the system builder, and the application
programmer. It will include formal definitions of correctness, study of
lower bounds, and implementation recipes and tricks.